Monday, February 13, 2012

The Drops of Rain They Fall all Over. This Awkward Silence make Me Crazy.

i was walking out of the gym when i saw him. his hair fell in those same dark wisps but his face was covered by huge sunglasses. we glanced at each other right before he jogged off to his car. deep down, i know it wasn't him. deep down, i know this was some similar-looking stranger who just dug up my past. but regardless, i felt that same old lump in my chest and found my eyes damp underneath my sunglasses. i felt 2 years younger and just as useless as i was back then. i'm sorry that sometimes i miss you, but i miss you all the same.

1 comment:

  1. They come up at odd times. When I least expect it, I see someone with a similar smile. The same hair from the back. Or my own mind tortures me with a dream of what might have been, of what can't be, while i'm asleep.
