I'm writing you to get you off my mind.
I'm writing you to be fair to you;
because calling you tonight, like I want to, wouldn't be fair. because letting the words slur off my tongue in any sort of poetry would be a dagger through you. i won't give myself the chance to tell you how badly you're missed or how much you're loved... how you'll always be loved.
so i won't call and i won't text and i won't pretend not to know better.
i saw your face; those eyes. i knew what i was doing to you so i chose to save you. i couldn't rightfully make you fall in love with me. not because i don't love you, but because i couldn't love you.
so i'll sit here, on the other side of the broken heart, and tell you that this hurts too. this part of the story is also painful. i feel everything so vibrantly that it feels numb.
exactly exactly exactly