Monday, November 28, 2011

Wait, Keep Me in Your Skin, Keep Me in Your Chest.

"I want to marry this boy."
that obnoxious line that swiftly finds it's way into my head because i feel like i'm getting older. i'm not sure what they do to get that line into my thoughts but it happens. fear not, it's somewhere equivalent to the "i hate you." line that people say when they're teasing. but deep down, i feel like i'm missing something these other couples find. like i'm not attracted to these men the way i should be and that could be because they're usually assholes.. but why? what is it about me that draws them quickly into my life and then sends me struggling to push them out? and why is it that i just can't look beyond the friendship of the boys that could be good for me?


  1. I can't say I've ever had this happen to me. The closest thing would have to be this boy that I'm friends with/like that I think "In ten years, I could see us happily married".

    The only thing I can think is maybe you need a breather from it all. Get your heart straight before you invite anyone in (or before they force their way in).

  2. it's just like that! it's the "in the future i could see...." kind of feeling.
    and it's not that, my heart knows just what it wants. it's just hard to find when there are so many sweet talkers that don't really want to be in love..
