Monday, December 19, 2011

He said the way My Blue Eyes Shined put those Georgia Stars to Shame that Night.

Sometimes you're at the right place at the right time. And sometimes you're lucky enough to know it. 

i walked into the room and our eyes met. he glanced away. oh, that will be the end of it. i presumed, almost stupidly so. i wasn't hurt by the thought, how could i be? there were guys all over the house; laughing, drinking, having fun. one boy truly couldn't be the center of the party; of my good time. and i hadn't even heard him speak, he could have been crazy for all i knew. but i heard him then, as i crossed the room in his direction. i was taken back by the sparkle in his blue eyes and as he spoke i felt the air escape my lungs. here i go again i mused. i took a seat at the far end next to a friend of mine and chatted casually, feeling his eyes from time to time on the back of my head. finally he got up and approached me, taking the open seat next to me and casually bumping into my arm as he sat. i turned and smiled at him, he flushed before he mumbled a friendly hello.

it's not everyday you can make somebody speechless, but when you can, enjoy it.

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