Saturday, December 10, 2011

She, She Ain't Real..

"I wish I could find a girl like you."
that line kills me; every time. you'd think after just about two decades of this, i'd be used to it... but i'm not. men seem to think that saying it is a compliment, and yes, i suppose i can see that. but women hear the words and feel like they just got slapped across the face. so, pretty much you're saying "you're great, amazing even, but i'd like to find someone exactly like you who isn't you." like woah, wait a second let's just back up here: i'm a girl like me. why am i not good enough?
what made it worse was when he introduced me to his friends and proclaimed "you don't even understand how amazing this girl is, i haven't had this good of a time in who knows how long." or the kicker: "every time she opens her mouth to say something, i love her more and more." but when it comes down to it, as 'amazing' as i am, you won't date [be with] me because....?

i mean, i get it. i am a great girl for guys to be friends with and i like having my guy friends. but who drew this line here in the sand? when did we decide we were going to just be friends? i'm not asking to sit here and "have my cake and eat it too", because that's crap. i'm just asking for a little explanation to clear up my foggy misconception. geez, and they say nice guys finish last.. well let's be fair, at least they place somewhere in the race..

here, would you like another swift kick in the ass? let me help push you down before you get up from the last time, don't worry i'm keeping my promise: this won't hurt nearly as bad because the fall isn't from as high.. bull.

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