Thursday, March 1, 2012

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Stand a little taller. Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone.

i'm so tired. i'm so tired of hearing the same things over and over from different people. i'm a pretty girl. i don't mean it in a conceited "i like to stare at myself" kind of way. i just mean that i see the way people stare, i watch the boys fight to buy me drinks. i know what i am. but pretty girls like me have stereotypes just like any other person in the world. no, i don't want you to tell me i'm fxckin' hot. no, i don't want to hear what you'd like to do to me or how you want to bring me home. actually, quite frankly, i don't want to be brought anywhere. and i don't want to hear anything along the lines of what i "owe" you. i owe you nothing. i am just as entitled as anyone else to change my mind about another human being. see, people are tricky like that. they act like one person when you meet them and then as time goes on, they morph into something you wouldn't expect. so i'm changing my mind. it doesn't make me a tease or a prude or psycho. it makes me human. you are not what i thought, making you not what i want. and i won't be guilted into something for another second of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Yes sometimes u have to stand up for urself and tell ppl that u will not tolerate their anymore. Its hard but inevitable!!
