it's funny, it was kind of like a dream. i walked off the runway and out the backstage door and there he was just sitting there waiting. he looked up and smiled at me and i felt my face flush. "sorry i missed you, i had class. but i came as soon as it was over." my awful day at work, my stressful final, my crazy eventful day leading up to the fashion show... it all melted away because he was next to me. he's become a drug in the worst way; once he's gone i ache. and it's not because i'm one of those terrible romantics (although i am) it's because i know he can't be mine, even if he should be.
i saw the way he stared, even after i changed back into my jeans and t-shirt, he felt something. but it's still something he'll never admit. possibly even something he'll never be able to admit.
so this is how it feels to be the other woman... i can't say i'm fond of the feeling.
:( This sucks.