Saturday, June 23, 2012

But my God it's so Beautiful when the Boy Smiles.

today was an ordinary day. an ordinary day laced with promise from an extraordinary boy. he's astounding and i've known it for some time but getting ahold of him isn't easy. i sat with him and listened as he strummed some dark chords on the guitar, trying to get to know this boy i couldn't quite understand. i decided that maybe the only way to known him was to first let him know me. i shyly picked up my uke and played a few chords glancing at him nervously. his fingers froze and he looked at me, studying what i was about to do. "i'm not very good.." i mumbled looking back towards my fingers, "but bear with me and i'll sing a little too." his smile touched the corners of his eyes as he nodded. i started out shaky, mouthing the first few words of the song to steady myself. then i sang. two words, then a verse, then another.. it was easy in front of him as long as i didn't try to look his way. i felt his eyes on me the whole time and strangely, i knew he was smiling his heart-melting smile. someone walked through the door and my fingers faltered. "well that's about all i can manage without getting nervous," i teased glancing up at him finally. he stared at me, his expression unreadable. his face shot into a grin as he opened his mouth to say something. a man walked to the counter. "hold on," he said looking impatient. i nodded and started to strum some silent chords.
he returned, sat down across from me and sighed.
"better?" i whispered.
"much." he laughed. there was a awkward pause.
"what i wanted to say was.. that.. umm.. your voice is beautiful." i felt my face heat as i'm sure i turned six shades of scarlet.

win me over. you know all the right lines.

1 comment:

  1. Hun, that is amazing. I'm so happy for you! May you have many more extraordinary days. May they overshadow the bad ones. Hell, may your average days overshadow the bad ones. But you deserve the extraordinary. Always.
