Saturday, July 13, 2013

Setting Fire to Our Insides for Fun.

i wanted him for who he wasn't.
i wanted him because he didn't make my heart flutter, and his words were simply a dime a dozen.
i wanted him for his smile and his eyes and the way he brushed the hair from his face because, to me, it was all unremarkable.
i wanted something that wouldn't send shivers up and down my spine.
i wanted someone whose words made me smirk and then dissipated just as quickly.
i wanted someone i wouldn't want to hold onto, so that when he left, i left.
i wanted him because i knew he couldn't make me cry because no matter what he did, 
he wasn't you. 
he would never have my heart and i knew that the second he said my name.


  1. I love this post, because it makes me feel something.
    I hope it hasn't cost you too much.
    Would you mind terribly if I used your words as part of a drawing/painting?

  2. So well written...

    would want to the end..why was he wanted then?

  3. @the Dreamer you, my dear, may do whatever you so please with my words =] i know it will be absolutely beautiful! all i ask is that i see it. lol

    @Aman i wanted something that wouldn't leave a permanent scar. i wanted someone that would make me forget why i hurt.
