she asked me about you last night. asked why we did this to ourselves so willingly. it was strange, having someone from the outside ask me about us.
"is it like there's something there? something more than just the friendship?"
i smiled and shrugged, "i mean, i guess."
"well could you see it going somewhere? could you see the future in it?"
i laughed and thought back to the first day i met you, about 8 years ago. you were this tiny, meek little boy and i was so stoic and unreadable. and then i flashed forward to the time we had to work on a project at my house. how you looked when my father answered the door; the change in your face when you saw me peak out from behind him. i thought of our fights and our shared pain. i thought of all our slow songs; you in your suits and me in my dresses twirling in circles, laughing about secrets and sighing that the songs ended much too soon. and then i was stabbed with a memory i tried hard to avoid, of my dad right before he passed. he smiled at me weakly and laughed a hardy laugh that shouldn't belong to such a body. "you're going to marry him you know."
i laughed, "you haven't even met him yet!"
he shook his head. "not that boy, him."
i crossed my arms and rolled my eyes, "mhmm, sure dad."
"you wait, you'll see."
it's been 5 years since then and only now can i really appreciate those words. the memory faded and i returned to the girl i was standing next to outside of the house.
"well, could you?"
i smiled fighting back a tear from the memory, knowing she'd feel bad if she saw it. i nodded, afraid my voice would betray me and smirked.
she laughed and clapped her hands together, "you know, i could see that too," she replied as if she heard my thoughts.
maybe there's someone else out there for both of us. or maybe we're just waiting until we're both ready. as the days turn into years we really have grown.
...but is that enough?