Sunday, January 29, 2012

I can't Steal His Heart, but I can Steal back Mine.

people astound me and not in that positive, fascinating way. it's usually more of a searing, disjointed pain. of course, people don't say things to merely get a rise out of me, that's an immature thought process. but somethings.. well you just shouldn't share; at least not with the girl you were kneeling in front of 2 weeks before.
okay, so we were drinking, and obviously the proposal was somewhat of a joke. but this conversation we're having now is destroying me. i know in the end i'll survive, but you fought for this to happen,for us to happen, for years and now it's all ruined. you may love me and i may love you, but i won't give you a chance now that i know how many girls you've been sleeping with. call me a child if you must, but college doesn't give you a "get out of jail free" card. partying doesn't excuse responsibility.

like i said, somethings just shouldn't be discussed.


  1. what the fuck are you talking about? about who?

  2. Do I need to go beat them up for you?

  3. @V: this was just a string of incoherent words while i was sitting on the phone with a close friend of mine. it wasn't really something that was meant to be understood. i did it for my own benefit, not the public's.

    @The Dreamer: i'm afraid he's beating himself up quite enough on his own. =/ which saddens me. but thank you for the offer it made me giggle. <3

  4. it was meant to hurt and that is all .... asshole

    1. i'm sorry if it hurt you, but it wasn't you that this was meant for.

  5. well, that is why!! you just don't think .... don't think at all

    1. oh that's where you're right. if i thought, i wouldn't have called him this morning to check on him and make sure this girl was okay. if i thought, i wouldn't have offered to drive them anywhere if they needed it. if i thought, my last words wouldn't have been "i still love you." and i would have hung up long before i heard him say it back to me. but that's just it, some people just don't think.
