Wednesday, September 12, 2012

You say "Too Late to Start with Your Heart in a Headlock. You know You're Better than This."

i feel like people come back into your life for a reason. i don't mean this in one of those deep, positive philosophical kind of ways. what i mean is, it seems that whenever i get comfortable, someone shows back up again to uproot my life. perhaps it's because they shouldn't have left, or perhaps it's more than that. maybe it's that i'm not meant to be comfortable. i've said it before, i don't want comfort! not this young. i want action and madness and stress for the love of it all. i want to be passionate and lost only to find myself. and i know that i want all of this and so much more, but when comfort comes my way, i am only human, and as such, crave simplicity. the easier the better.

but in the end... did easy ever make anyone happy..?

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